Rental Complete Status.png
Select Rental Car@1x.png
Rental Confirmed.png

Repair Shop Locator

Accidents are never fun and neither is filing a claim. During the early stages of imagining what an automated claims system looks like, the design team interviewed a variety of drivers that got into recent accidents. We were able to design a painless process that captured the first notice of loss with minimal human intervention. 

As a second phase, we wanted to smartly anticipate the user's need to repair his/ her vehicle. Cue AVA – Metromile's AI claims assistant. She approves your claim, gets your car repaired, sets you up with temporary transportation, pays out your claim, and gets you back on the road in a snap.

AVA Chat Hybrid- iOS prototype

Native flow- iOS prototype

Final iOS prototype

Final Android prototype

Interaction, visual, prototyping, IA

Neil Chopra- PM
Asa Rudick- Front-end Dev

Wayne Montague- Front-end Dev
Saad Farooq- Android Dev
Nelson Bonilla- Android Dev
Matt Stephens- iOS Dev
Mark Cahillane- iOS Dev
Matt Stein- Design Director/ Advisor