Document Signing

Metromile, like many insurance companies, ask for a binding signature before a policy can be written. Not a big deal except that there's a substantial drop-off in signature completion rates from the desktop (68%) to the mobile web (39%).

We hypothesized that this drop-off was caused by 1) users needing to type in his/her name that was exactly entered in the beginning of the quote flow, 2) signature field was obstructed by multiple nested scrolling windows, and 3) All documents were crammed into one long step.

To solve for those issues, we first implemented hint text that displayed the users name exactly as it should be typed. This was a band-aid since we had a resourcing issue for finger signing. For the second phase, we implemented finger signing and split up the documents into separate steps. By doing so, users were able to move through this stage quicker and with less friction.

Wireframes, Visual, Interaction

Amy Leimer- Data Scientist/ PM
Sunil Seepuri- Front-end Dev
Ali Taleghani- Back-end Dev


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