
Requesting Vehicle Photos

Before purchasing a policy, risky users are required to email photos of the current state of their vehicle AND call into customer service. This was a stopgap for reducing fraud and incurring bad debt. My role here was to find an elegant solution to encourage honest users to submit photos with the least amount of friction while deter risky or fraudulent users from moving forward. 

The proposal was to ensure that moving from desktop to mobile and back was seamless. Optimize for photo capture on the phone while optimizing for drag and drop attachments on the web. Resuming a quote should not be difficult no matter what platform the user is on. Any friction will likely result in a phone call to customer service and potentially loss of sale. For the first phase, processing photos was manual. The second phase would include image processing and metadata scan for time and location of the photo.

Results: Approximately 18000 users hit this feature, of those 41% completed this step, 94% of those who reached completion purchased a policy. At the end, there was no significant dip in conversion. Reduction of bad debt has yet to be determined. 

Invision- Web Phase 1
Invision- Web Phase 2
Invision- Mobile Web Phase 2

IA, wireframes, visual, interaction

Josh Garnier- PM
Ravi Raghavan- Back-end Engineer
Percy Batalier- Comms Designer
Dylan Lotivio- Front-end Engineer

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