Metromile Quote & Enroll

What's in an insurance quote? A lot more than you think. The goal of this project was to reduce the level of complexity without compromising on the breadth of information that's needed for an accurate quote.  Since the project was so large, it was broken up into multiple areas of work – Rates Packaging, Underwriting Photos, Documents, Review & Pay.

Rates Packaging

Designed educational content and package-based model. The goal was to enable users to be more informed about choosing a policy while making it fast & easy.

UW Photos.png

Underwriting Photos

Request photos of the vehicle(s) from the insurer. Goals for this project was to deter areas of fraud and ensure a speedy resolution in the event of a claim. 


Redesigned signing process for better screen real-estate and improved conversion on Mobile Web. 

Review & Pay

Redesigned the payment and account creation flow into a subtle 3 part step. Goal is to increase ease of content consumption and payment.